
小城镇饮用水生物稳定与安全综合评价研究 被引量:1

Comprehensive Evaluation of Biostability and Safety of Drinking Water in Small Towns
摘要 在"十一五"国家科技支撑项目"小城镇饮用水输送系统水质保障技术"研究的基础上,组织了全国范围的小城镇供水系统调研,比较了影响我国小城镇饮用水生物稳定与安全的各项因子,建立了以DOC、BDOC、余氯和TP为评价指标,以管网水温和HRT为参考指标的评价体系,提出了保障小城镇管网水质稳定与安全性的综合评价方法,可为我国小城镇安全供水提供借鉴。 Based on the research on "water quality safeguard technologies for drinking water sup- ply systems in small towns", a national scientific and technological support project in the Eleventh Five- Year Plan, the investigation on drinking water supply systems in small towns in China was carried out. The factors affecting the biostability and safety of drinking water were analyzed. An evaluation system using DOC, BDOC, residual chlorine and TP as evaluation indexes and water temperature and HRT as ref-erence indexes was established. A comprehensive evaluation method for safeguarding the network water quality stability and safety in small towns was proposed for reference.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第13期47-50,共4页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑项目(2006BAJ08B03)
关键词 小城镇 饮用水 生物稳定与安全性 水力停留时间 small towns drinking water biostability and safety HRT
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