
北京不同收入家庭的居住隔离状态研究 被引量:17

Research on the Residential Segregation in Beijing
摘要 利用北京2009年大规模居民调查问卷数据,以各街区居民为研究对象,根据收入状况将调查人群划分成贫困家庭、工薪家庭和富裕家庭。采用隔离指数分析方法,研究北京47个街区3类家庭的居住隔离空间分布状况,运用聚类分析法对隔离度值分类,提取出14个居住隔离显著的区域进行重点分析。结果表明,三环以内无居住隔离显著区域,居住隔离现象从四环以外开始显著;富裕人群聚集区内居民学历和工作职位都相对较高,大多拥有自购商品房,而贫困人群聚集区内居民学历和工作职位都较低,一般居住在经济适用房和破旧民宅中;贫困、富裕人群聚集区域对于城市基础设施和公共服务设施的数量、质量等方面的占用比例差异很大。 With the acceleration of urbanization,the urban residential segregation become more and more remarkable.Living segregation is not a simple social stratification phenomenon,it also leads to social conflicts,and thus controlling the residential segregation becomes an urgent task.Under this circumstance,this paper aims to describe the living segregation in Beijing and analyze the reason for this phenomenon.Based on a wide-scope resident investigation of Beijing in 2009,taking the residents on each block as the research objects,local families are divided into three groups according to their income levels: Poor Families,Working Families and Wealthy Families.After using isolation index analysis method to calculate the living segregation of these families,and extracting the serious residential segregation area by cluster analysis,results show that there is no serious residential segregation in the areas inside the 3rd Ring Road,while the segregation phenomenon become obvious outside the 4th Ring Road.Then through dividing the segregation areas into six rich-gathering areas and eight poor-gathering areas by the proportion of each kind of families,results show that the rich-gathering areas get more better infrastructure and public service facilities where most of the people get higher education,better jobs and own houses themselves,while the people in poor areas get lower education,low-ranking jobs and mainly rent houses except those having old houses.There have been relatively few studies on living segregation in China,and the present research is mainly about the living status and the cause of the isolation.In addition,the research of the social influence caused by the living segregation and its solution are not mature,which will be an urgent topic in the future.
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期693-700,共8页 Progress in Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971077)
关键词 隔离指数 富裕人群 贫困人群 北京 isolation index rich-gathering areas poor-gathering areas Beijing
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