针对L型多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)雷达对空中运动目标三维成像天线数目较多问题,提出了发射阵列采用稀疏布阵的L型MIMO雷达三维成像方法。该文首先分析了MIMO雷达发射阵列的稀疏布阵方式,其次结合压缩感知理论具体阐述了基于稀疏阵列的三维成像方法。该方法在大幅减少L型MI-MO雷达发射天线的条件下,实现了对运动目标的单次快拍三维成像,不仅有效避免了目标机动带来的运动补偿难题,同时又降低了系统的硬件复杂度,便于工程应用。最后利用仿真实验验证了本文方法的有效性和可行性。
The number of antenna elements of L-type Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar is quite large when imaging for moving target with single snapshot. To solve this, a 3-D imaging method for L-type MIMO radar based on sparse array is proposed. Firstly, the configuration of sparse transmitting antenna array is analyzed. Then, combining com- pressed sensing theory, a novel 3-D imaging algorithm based on sparse array is put forward. Under the condition of the re- duced number of antenna, 3-D imaging for moving target can be implemented by using this algorithm, it not only avoids the difficulty of motion compensation aroused by the target' s maneuver, but also reduces the complexity of the system with ad- vantage to engineering realization. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of this algorithm is validated by the simulative re- suits.
Journal of Microwaves