
种植体生物学宽度的研究进展 被引量:5

Study of biologic width of implant
摘要 种植体生物学宽度(BW)是种植体软组织愈合的基础,也是种植体软组织美学的关键。BW是指种植体或天然牙牙槽嵴顶的结合上皮和结缔组织形成的固定宽度的空间,是一种生物学封闭,这种生物学封闭可以将种植体与口腔环境隔绝,保护种植体周围骨组织,从而维持种植体的稳定。本文就BW的概念、天然牙冠延长与BW的关系、种植体与天然牙在BW上的区别和联系、种植体BW的组成和临床意义、种植体基台转换与BW的关系,以及种植体周围炎BW的关系等作一综述。 As the basis of soft tissue around implant, biologic width is a key of esthetics restoration. Biologic width that is made up of junctional epithelium and connective tissues is barrier which blocks the implant out of the oral space to protect it. The definition of biologic width, the differences between natural teeth and implant in biologic width, the connection of biologic width, plafform-swiched implant and the peri-implantitis were discussed in this article.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期547-549,共3页 International Journal of Stomatology
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y2008C43)
关键词 种植体 生物学宽度 结合上皮 种植体-基台界面 implant biologic width junctional epithelium: implant-abutment junction
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