
智力落后儿童语用能力研究述评 被引量:11

A Review of the Researches into Mentally Retarded Children's Language Proficiency
摘要 文章从交流行为、会话能力、语篇能力以及语境等几个方面,梳理了国内外智力落后儿童的语用研究。结果显示智力落后儿童交流行为的发展相对于普通儿童的交流行为发展来说,较为迟缓;智力落后儿童会话能力有待进一步研究;智力落后儿童有一定的叙事技能,但与普通儿童相比较落后;在不同语境下,智力落后儿童语用能力有一定差异。文章在现有研究成果的基础上,提出了未来研究的方向。 This study reviews the researches into the language proficiency of Chinese and foreign mentally retarded children in terms of communicative behavior, dialogue competence, and textual competence. The results show the following: compared with normal children, the mentally retarded children are slow in their development of communicative behavior; the mentally retarded children's dialogue competence remains to be further studied; they have ceitain narrative skills, but fall behind normal children; and they show a certain difference in textual competence. The article puts forward the future research trends based on the current research results.
作者 李欢
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期27-33,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 智力落后 语用 交流行为 会话能力 语篇能力 mental retardation language proficiency communicative behavior dialogue competence textu- al competence
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