

Legal Consideration on Climate Change and Its Countermeasures
摘要 源于西方法律制度与法理两个层面的因素,目前国际社会应对气候变化的措施集中在发达国家减排指标分配及发展中国家是否承担减排义务方面。该做法难以产生积极效果,因为温室气体排放是"果",而技术的不当使用是"因"。曾经落后的美日等通过技术转让形成创新能力的经验昭示:发展中国家在公平合理技术转让基础上形成开发与创新能力,是应对气候变化的有效路径;加强技术开发和转让方面的国际合作应为应对策略的重心。 Current countermeasures for climate change in the related international nego- tiations focus on the allocation of greenhouse gas emission reduction quota in developed coun- tries and the issue on whether developing countries should assume the obligations of green- house gas emission reduction, which originate from two fundamental causes, namely western legal systems and related jurisprudence. In fact, such countermeasures can not lead to posi- tive performance, because greenhouse gas emission is the result and the improper use of technology is the reason. The successful industrialization of United States and Japan, under- developed countries in history, demonstrates that the formation of development and innova- tion ability through proper technology development and transfer in developing countries will be a decisive way to respond to climate change; and the enhancement of international cooper- ation on technology development and transfer should be the countermeasure focus.
作者 马忠法 张啸
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期27-34,共8页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 教育部规划基金项目"清洁能源技术转移法律制度研究"成果的一部分 项目编号:12YJA820049
关键词 气候变化 应对策略 温室气体减排 技术开发和转让 climate change countermeasure greenhouse gas emission reduction technology development and transfer
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