目的比较非洛地平与缬沙坦对原发性高血压的肾脏保护作用。方法 45例原发性高血压Ⅰ级伴蛋白尿患者分为2组,分别使用非洛地平和缬沙坦进行治疗,观察两种药物在高血压肾损伤早期对肾脏保护方面的差异。结果两种药物在降压及肾脏保护作用间无明显差异。结论非洛地平以价格优势更适合基层医院的患者,对高血压肾损伤早期具有保护作用。
Objective To compare the effect of renal protection between Felodipine and Losartan for primary hypertension. Methods 45 patients with primary hypertension level I with proteinuria were respectively gaven Felodipine or valsartan, protection of in hypertensive renal damage were observed in two drugs. Results There was no difference between two drugs in the kidney protection. Conclusion With advantage of lower price, Felodiping is suitable for patients with primary hospitals for high blood pressure renal injury early renal protection.
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