针对我国制定的珍珠分级国家标准,仅对影响珍珠品质各因素做了等级划分,并未给出首饰级珍珠的总品质等级的确定方法和标准,造成分级标准与国际上报价体系不接轨,使其在市场上无法广泛应用等问题,系统总结国际流行的各大珍珠分级标准和报价体系,通过对比分析我国国标存在的问题,提出我国养殖珍珠分级和报价的改进方法。即借鉴美国GIA或Richard H.Cartier的珍珠总品质分级方法,在原国家分级标准上根据各品质因素对总品质影响权重计算珍珠总品质等级(1~10级);并推行对应珍珠总质量等级的报价体系,呼吁国家权威机构定期发布珍珠价格信息,以规范珍珠市场,为珍珠评估提供依据。
Chinese national standard on cultured pearls, which was established in 2003 and revised in 2008, only specifies the grading in each quality factor of cultured pearls, but it does not state the method and standard of that in the total quality of jewelry pearls. Therefore, the standard does not match the international pearl price reporting system, which limits the application of our national standard in the international market. In view of the problems above, this paper systematically summary the main international pearl grading and appraising systems, analyse the problems of national standard by contrast, and suggest solutions to improve our grading and price reporting system. Consequently, the authors of this paper recommend the establishment of a grading method and standard which could state the total quality grading and pricing system. According to the national grading system, the au- thors suggest the calculation of the total quality grade by the weight coefficient of quality af- fecting factors based on Cartier H. Rechard ' s method and setting up the pricing system matched along with the total quality grade. regularly publish pearl price information to for pearl appraisal. The national authority institutions are advised to regulate the pearl market and to provide reference
Journal of Gems & Gemmology
cultured p eart
grading standard
price reporting system