The persistent heavy rainfall is a kind of extreme precipitation events that have a long duration, extensive coverage, and relatively stable heavy precipitation areas. Based on the daily averaged data derived from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset, the preceding signals in atmospheric circulation of persistent heavy rainfall events happened in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Basin in June are revealed by using the moving average analysis and composite methods. The results suggest that Australia high and the Mascarene high has a relation of "seesaw"; the subtropical high is obviously stronger than usual; the average position of the ridge line is farther south, and the average position of the west ridge point is farther west ; the South Asia high, belonging to the west-type high, is weaker, and the eastward-stretch ridge point is farther east; the eastward-stretch ridge point of the South Asia high and the westward-stretch ridge point obviously come toward each other and goes away from each other; the ridge line of the subtropical high is 4 to 6 latitude distances farther south that that of the South Asia high, and they have concerted north-south movement, but the movement of the ridge line of the South Asia high is about one day later than that of the ridge line of the subtropical high.
Meteorological Science and Technology
Yangtze and Huaihe River basin, persistent heavy rain, preceding atmospheric circulation