对 YT合金 ( YT5、YT1 4、YT1 5)从采用复合型粘结剂、制取非均匀结构、增加添加剂和调整工艺参数等几个方面进行了改性分析研究。结果表明 :改性后的 YT合金其物理和机械性能较改性前均有不同程度的提高 ,显微组织结构明显改善 ,使用性能有了较大幅度提高 ,为进一步增强 YT产品质量的稳定性、可靠性 ,以较好的功能价格比赢得市场奠定了基础。
The modification analysis and study of YT cemented carbide (YT5,YT14,YT15) have been carried out in several aspects such as using compound binder,making non-uniform structure,increasing additives and adjusting technological parameter.The result shows:the physical and mechanical properties of modified YT cemented carbide have been improved with different extents compared with that of unmodified YT cemented carbide,the microstructure has been improved obviously,the performance has been raised considerably.This has set up the foundation to increase the quality stability and dependability of YT cemented carbide products further,and to win the market with better function/price ratio.
Cemented Carbides