
蚁群优化的多Agent路由算法及其应用 被引量:5

Applications on routing algorithm of multi-agent based-on ant system
摘要 针对移动Agent在WSN的路由建模的TSP问题,提出了一种基于改进蚁群算法的移动Agent路由算法——MARA-AS。采用伪随机概率选择下一节点,对选择的路径进行局部更新,并在最后一轮循环结束时对最优最差路径进行全局更新。引入一个与节点位置相关的参数w,通过w值移动Agent采用改进蚁群算法访问那些剩余能量高、处理能力强、相邻节点之间距离较大的节点。Matlab仿真结果表明,改进蚁群算法有更好的搜索能力,且与LCF等路由算法相比能减少网络能量消耗和延迟。 A routing algorithm for mobile agent called mobile agent routing algorithm based on the improved ant system (MARA-AS) was presented. In MARA-AS, the routing of MA is shown to be a traveling salesman problem (TSP). The ant system is improved in order to increase the efficiency of the search. First, the pseudo-random probability was used to select the next node~ then the edge chosen was subject to local pheromone update~ after the end-cycle, the edges on the best-path and the worst-path were subject to global pheromone update respectively. In WSN, a weight metric (w) related to the position of the nodes was introduced. MA visits the nodes which has high remained energy, processing ability and is far to its neighbor nodes as more as possible. Finally, Matlab was used to make simulation for the MARA-AS rou- ting. The simulation results show that the improved ant colony algorithm has better capabilities of search- ing, and the MARA-AS routing can reduce energy consumption and delay in WSN than other routing algo- rithms.
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2012年第3期271-275,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2006039)
关键词 移动AGENT 蚁群算法 MARA-AS mobile agent ant system MARA-AS
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