I Ching:Book of Changes is the earliest book widespread in ancient China, and recognized as "the best of all the scrip- tures,the origin of all the schools of thought".Its rich content whereas plain wording help reserve historical materials in the ancient time and serve as a channel for later generations to study people's life then.In the text and commentaries of I Ching,plenty of le- gal phenomena and thoughts are recorded. For generations,practitioners of laws spare no efforts in studying the legal culture in it. Research of the legal culture in I Ching experienced a development process from suspicion to confirmation,from annotation to anal- ysis,from sporadic cases to unitary study.In the text of I Ching,many legal issues can be found,like "suit", "imprisonment", "sen- tence", "penalty',etc.The influence of I Ching on the legal society of ancient China will be analyzed by briefly introducing the symbolisms in hexagrams like Shibe,Xie,Bi,Feng and Lv.
Administration and Law
Book of Changes
legal culture of ancient China
legal thought of ancient Chinese