

Research Status of Interphase Precipitation Steels
摘要 相间沉淀强化是一种钢铁强化机理。着重介绍相间沉淀钢的位错绕过机制,对应不同沉淀形貌的台阶和准台阶形成模型,材料的设计原则,最后对相间沉淀强化钢铁材料目前的研发情况和前景做了阐述。 Interphase precipitation strengthening is one of the strengthening mechanism. The Orowan bypass effect between the dislocation and the particles, ledge model and quasi-ledge model corresponding to different morphology of precipitation, design principles of interphase precipitation steels are introduced in detail. Finally, the research state and development trend of this issue is described.
机构地区 技术中心
出处 《莱钢科技》 2012年第3期1-5,共5页 Laigang Science & Technology
关键词 相间沉淀 纳米 碳化物 interphase precipitation nanometer carbide
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