
^(15)N标记的苯基五唑的合成、表征及分解反应机理 被引量:4

Synthesis,Characterization and Decomposition Reaction Mechanism of ^(15)N-Labelled Phenylpentazoles
摘要 以15 N标记的亚硝酸钠和叠氮化钠为原料,低温下合成出15 N标记的对甲氧基苯基五唑(p-MOPP)和对叔丁基苯基五唑(p-tBPP)。利用低温1 H NMR、13 C NMR和15 N NMR等一维核磁技术及gHSQC和gHMBC等二维核磁技术进行了p-tBPP的1 H、13 C、15 N NMR谱化学位移全归属。通过变温1 H NMR和15 N NMR研究了五唑化合物的稳定性,推测了其分解反应机理。 p-Methoxyphenylpentazole (p-MOPP) and p-tert-butylphenylpentazole (p-tBPP) were synthesized at low temperature, using is N-labelled NaNO2 and NaN3 as starting materials. The chemical shifts of 1 H,13 C and 12 N NMR spectra of p-tBPP were completely assigned by a combination of 1D (1H NMR,13C NMR and lS N NMR) and 2D (gHSQC and gHMBC) NMR techniques at low temperature. The stability of phenylpentazoles was studied by means of variable-temperature 18 NMR and 15 N NM1R. On the bases of the results of variable-temperature 15N NMR, the decomposition reaction mechanism of phenylpeatazoles was postulated.
出处 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期56-60,70,共6页 Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants
关键词 分析化学 对甲氧基苯基五唑 对叔丁基苯基五唑 15N-标记 低温NMR 分解机理 analytical chemistry p-methoxyphenylpentazole p-tert-butylphenylpentazole 12 N-labelled low-tempera- ture NMR deeomposition reaction mechanism
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