目的 本文通过对资料完整的 2 0例开胸状态下行射频迷宫术的患者资料的分析 ,以研究手术成功率的影响因素。方法 男性 13名 ,女性 7名 ,为风湿性二尖瓣狭窄伴关闭不全合并慢性心房颤动 (简称房颤 )者 ,平均年龄为 40 .1± 5 .7。在开胸状态下使用特制的射频消融探针按改良的迷宫线路线性消融 ,并观察病史 (X1 )、左心房大小 (X2 )、f波幅度 (X3)及射血分值 (X4)对手术成功率的影响。结果经多元回归的统计学分析 ,得标准回归方程为 Y =- 0 .6 6 873X2 +0 .312 13X3P<0 .0 0 1,复相关系数0 .85 74。且 X2 对方程贡献最大 ,X3次之。结论 对于风湿性二尖瓣狭窄伴关闭不全并慢性房颤者射频迷宫术根治房颤的成功率的主要影响因素为左心房大小 ,f波幅度次之 ,病史长短及射血分值与手术成功率无关。
The paper was to study the in fluence on the success rate of radiofrequency maze ablation of atrial fibrillation(AF).Methods The 20 patient were suffering from mitral regurgitation complicated chronic AF including 13 males and 7 females,average age was 40.1±5.7 In open chest,specific radiofrequency ablation probe was used to ablate atrial,according to reformed maze.We evaluated the effect during the 15 days to 2 months in hospital,then studied the influence of the AF history(X 1),the size of left atrial(X 2),the altitude of f wave in ECG(X 3) and EF value(X 4) on the success rate(Y). Results By the analysis of multiple regression statistics,we got the standard regression formula:Y= -0.66874X 2+0 31213X 3( P <0 001),the correlation coefficient was 0.8547.Meanwhile,X 2 contributed to Y more than X 3 did.Conclusion For patients of mitrial regurgitation complicated chronic Af,the size of left atrial was the major influence factor on the success rate of radiofrequency maze ablation and the altitude of f wave was the minor one ,case history and EF value were not correlated to the rate.
Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
Atrial fibrillation Radiofrequency ablate Maze influence