

Design of Attitude Controller for Wheel Controlled Underactuated Rigid Spacecraft under Failure of Two Orthogonal Wheels
摘要 针对"三正交加斜装"反作用轮系统中某两个本体轴上的飞轮失效的欠驱动情况,研究了航天器的姿态控制问题.在系统初始角动量为零的条件下,设计分段解耦控制律,实现了姿态稳定.采用欧拉角描述法建立了欠驱动航天器的姿态动力学方程和运动学方程.在系统初始角动量为零的条件下,通过分析方程的解耦特性,设计了分段解耦控制律.该方法经过6次机动控制,可实现姿态稳定.数值仿真验证了方法的有效性. For a spacecraft with three orthogonally placed reaction wheels and the fourth skewed one,the attitude control problem is considered in this paper when two of three orthogonally placed wheels failed.Under the assumption of zero system angular momentum,a piecewise decoupling control law is designed to stabilize the attitude of the spacecraft by using two residual wheels.By using the Euler angle parameterization method,spacecraft dynamics and kinematics are given and a piecewise control law is proposed based on the decoupling property of the model.After six maneuvers,the proposed scheme ultimately guarantees the attitude stability.Simulation results demonstrate the proposed control approach.
作者 李公军
出处 《空间控制技术与应用》 2012年第3期21-26,32,共7页 Aerospace Control and Application
关键词 欠驱动 航天器 姿态稳定 解耦控制 反作用飞轮 underactuated spacecraft attitude stabilization decoupling control reaction wheel
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