
机载SAR探测海面风场、海浪和海洋内波方法的分析与研究 被引量:4

Sounding methods for ocean surface wind,wave and internal wave based on airborne SAR
摘要 从海洋环境探测的意义出发,通过分析星载SAR探测的局限性,引出了采用机载SAR探测海洋环境的必要性。分析认为机载SAR探测技术的迅速发展以及海面风场、海浪和海洋内波反演算法的日趋成熟,为机载SAR探测海面风场、海浪和海洋内波提供了可靠的装备、技术和算法支持。针对载机平台相对卫星平台高度低、速度慢和稳定性差的特点,提出了获取满足机载SAR对海探测技术指标和校正探测误差两种方法,以确保探测数据的适用性和准确性,并给出了实现这两种方法的理论依据和总体思路,最后提出了机载SAR探测海面风场、海浪和海洋内波方法的流程。 From the sounding significance of marine environment,through the analysis of t of spaceborne SAR sounding, it is necessary to use airborne SAR detecting marine e Because the rapid development of airborne SAR sounding technology and maturity of algoi ocean wind,wave and internal wave,it can provide reliable equipments, techniques and al sea detection. Comparing with spaceborne SAR, airborne SAR is of low height, slow spe stability. Aiming at these problems, two methods for getting satisfied technical data an detecting errors are put forward in order to ensure the applicability and accuracy of detecti theoretical basis and the general idea of these two methods are given out. Finally, th sounding methods for ocean surface wind, wave and internal wave based on airborne SA out.
出处 《气象水文海洋仪器》 2012年第2期6-10,共5页 Meteorological,Hydrological and Marine Instruments
关键词 机载SAR 对海探测 方法流程 airborne SAR sea detection method process
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