
需求不确定的强势零售商的闭环供应链决策 被引量:1

Decision of Dominate Retailer on Closed-loop Supply Chain under Uncertain Demand
摘要 建立了需求不确定下两个竞争的生产商和一个强势零售商组成的具有产品再制造的闭环供应链模型.利用逆向归纳法对不同废旧品回收渠道下的模型进行分析,然后通过算例分析了不同模型的回收成本和新增回收率对零售价格、回收模式决策、供应链系统及成员期望利润的影响.结果表明:回收成本的增加导致生产商和系统的期望利润降低,零售商领头下只有在零售商负责回收的模式中,零售商的期望利润才是增加的;新增回收率的增加,可降低产品的零售价,增加供应链成员的期望利润,继而提高整个供应链系统的利润. This paper obtained the Decision models of the closed-loop supply chain composed of one dominate retailer and two manufactures with product remanufacturing under uncertain demand. Firstly, the models were further analyzed under three different return modes by using backward induction. Secondly, numerical examples were illustrated to analyze the impact of return cost and return rate on the retail price, the return mode, the expected profit of the system and its members. It shows that,under uncertain demand, return cost makes the manufacturers~ and system's profit lower . On the contrary, the return rate can improve the manufacturers' and system's profit.
作者 陈建新
出处 《经济数学》 2012年第2期28-34,共7页 Journal of Quantitative Economics
基金 广东工业大学青年资助项目(062059)
关键词 闭环供应链 需求不确定决策模型 逆向归纳法 回收成本 新增回收率 closed-loop supply chain decision models of uncertain demand backward induction return cost return rate
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