6Susan Block-Lieb, "Book Review: A Humanistic Vision of Bankruptcy Law, " Am. Bankr. lnst. L. Rev., vol. 6, no. 2, 1998, pp. 471-472.
7Steven L. Harris and Charles W. Mooney, Jr., "Measuring the Social Costs and Benefits and Identifying the Victims of Subordinating Security Interests in Bankruptcy," Cornell L. New., vol. 82, no.6, 1997, p. 1371.
8Steven L. Harris and Charles W. Mooney, Jr., "Measuring the Social Costs and Benefits and Identifying the Victims of Subordinating Security Interests in Bankruptcy, " pp. 1371-1372.
9Gerard McCormack, Secured Credit under English and American Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 31.
10Thornily v. Revenue and Customs Commissioners, [2008] EWHC 124 (Ch).