

Mutual Influences of Crop and Shallow Groundwater Under Distinct Water Patterns
摘要 为了节约灌溉水资源,利用实验室内相关装置模拟浅层地下水条件,对沪油15号油菜施以不同灌水方式,研究了不同灌水方式下作物与浅层地下水之间的相互影响效应。结果表明:在表层6 cm深度土壤,不同灌水方式下土壤含水量动态变化的差异非常明显,这些差异与地下水条件无关;在稍深一些的20 cm土层深度处,在无地下水处理的交替灌溉条件下,很难看出不同灌水沟下土壤含水量的波动变化。这说明在有浅层地下水的情况下,对作物进行交替灌溉能够促使作物更有效地利用浅层地下水。 In order to save irrigation water resources, the research about mutual influences of crop and shallow groundwater under distinct water pat- terns were carried out by means of Huyou No. 15 ( Brassica napus L. ) planted in lab containers which were equipped with simulated shallow groundwater. We found that the difference of soil water content variation in the depth of 6 cm under distinct water patterns were obvious, and not depend on the groundwater condition. In the depth of 20 cm, it was difficult to see the soil water content variation in different irrigation furrows under alternate partial rootzone drying irrigation. But crops irrigated by alternate irrigation could uptake shallow groundwater more efficiently.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期108-110,共3页 Yellow River
基金 荷兰教育部DELTA基金资助项目 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD29B01)
关键词 地下水 灌水方式 控制性根系分区交替灌溉 shallow groundwater water pattern alternate partial rootzone drying irrigation
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