
城市高架公路雨水径流的污染特征 被引量:8

Characterization of pollutants in urban overhead road
摘要 对上海市内环高架一段路面的7场降雨径流进行监测,分析了径流中固体悬浮物和营养盐的变化特征,以期加深对城市高架公路径流污染物的认识和为高架公路径流净化工艺的选择提供理论支持。结果表明:溶解态氮、颗粒态磷是径流中TN和TP的主要输出形式;TP质量浓度变化与TSS基本一致,但TN质量浓度变化与TSS相关关系较弱;通过分析不同粒径固体悬浮物与污染物的相关性,发现<45μm固体悬浮物是径流中营养盐吸附的重要载体,去除细小固体悬浮物是治理城市高架径流污染的有效途径。 Sampling and monitoring of seven rainfall-runoff events from an overhead road in Shanghai were conducted to get more knowledge about overhead roads' runoff pollutants and lay the theoretic foundation for the selection of overhead roads' runoff treatment method. The results indicate that dissolved nitrogen (DN) and particle-bound phosphorous (PP) are the primary forms of TN and TP, respectively. The dynamic behavior of TP is similar to TSS, but the TN-TSS relationship in the course of runoff is not obvious. Through analyzing the correlation of TSS and other pollutants, we finds that SS less than 45μm are the absorbed carrier of nutrients from urban overhead road runoff, and that removal of fine SS is the effective way to control urban overhead road runoff pollution.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期924-928,共5页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(51148006 06dz05808 51169006) 江西省自然科学基金(2009GZH0023) 江西省教育厅青年科学基金(GJJ11108)
关键词 公路雨水径流 颗粒态营养物 颗粒粒径分布 overhead road runoff particle-bound nutrient particle size distribution
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