Objective To investigate the correlation between combined diameters of canines and premolars and lower incisors and to develop the prediction equation of Tanaka-Johnston for tooth size prediction in northern Chinese children. Methods A total of 127 northern Chinese were selected from 300 patients. Prediction equations of Tanaka and Johnston for northern Chinese were generated and the accuracy for different prediction equations was evaluated. Results The coefficients of correlation between combined diameters of canines and premolars and lower incisors were 0. 71 and 0. 77 in male, and 0. 50 and 0. 56 in female. The equations from other three studies tend to under-estimate the diameters of the permanent canines and premolars. For male, the highest proportion of evaluated error within lmm was 84% and 88% from the equations based on Northern Chinese, and for female was 74% and 81% from the equations based on Chengdu Chinese. Conclusion Correlations between combined diameters of canines and premolars and lower incisors for males were higher than those for females. The most accurate Tanaka-Johnston equations for northern Chinese were : Y = 11.8 + 0. 5X (maxilla for male) ; Y = 10. 9 +0. 5X (mandible for male) ; Y = 11.1 +0. 5X (maxilla for female) ; Y = 10. 0 +0. 5X (mandible for female).
Beijing Journal of Stomatology