针对IEEE802.11a标准中OFDM调制解调原理,结合软件无线电的思想,采用高效率的System Generator软件,对OFDM部分的解调模块进行设计与实现。设计中采用16QAM对数据符号进行调制,可以有效地降低系统误码率。仿真结果表明,所设计的OFDM解调模块具有较高的可靠性。
In view of the IEEE802.11 a standard for OFDM modulation and demodulation principle, together with the idea of Sofeware Defined Radio (SDR), some parts of OFDM demodulation module are presented by using the System Generator tool under the MATLAB/Simulink circumstance. It is just to make clear, with some emphasis about the design methods and simulation of the normalization, FFT demodulation and 16QAM demodulation modules. The simulation results show that these demodulation modules can demodulate the OFDM signal correctly.
Video Engineering