
基于hash函数的一次群签名模型 被引量:2

One-time group signature model based on hash function
摘要 针对基于大整数的素数分解和离散对数问题的传统数字签名不能抵抗量子时代量子计算的攻击问题,提出一种基于hash函数的一次群签名模型。该模型基于hash函数的单向性,由hash运算完成密钥生成、签名和验证,获得了更高的效率,并且可有效抵抗量子时代量子计算的攻击。通过实验,对签名模型进行验证,效率比ECC(密钥长度为224)高21倍,可达RSA-2048的102倍。 Since traditional digital signature based on the big integer prime decomposition and discrete logarithm problem can’t resist attack in quantum computing,this paper proposed a signature model based on the hash function.The security of this model is based on the hash function is unidirectional.Its key generation,signature and verification are completed by hash computing.This model could help achieve higher efficiency,and resist attack in quantum computing effectively.Proved by experiments,its efficiency is 21 times higher than ECC(a key length for 224),and can reach 102 times higher than RSA-2048.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期2665-2667,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61070219) 北京电子科技学院信息安全重点实验室资助项目
关键词 量子攻击 一次群签名 单向函数 hash运算 quantum attacked one-time group signature one-way function hash computing
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