

On the critical angle deformation of reservoir bank highway rock slopes
摘要 为了准确评价库岸公路岩石边坡的稳定性,合理指导工程施工,保证开挖边坡安全,考虑发生连续降雨、洪水等引起库水位抬高后,库岸公路岩石边坡滑动面处于饱水状态时的滑动面渗水压力,建立了渗压效应下岩石边坡的滑动简化模型。然后进行边坡上力的分析推导,得出边坡的坡高、坡角和极限破坏角之间的关系式,并对关系式进行求解,得出库岸公路岩石边坡极限破坏角公式。最后利用该公式对安康至陕川界高速公路沿线典型边坡计算并进行回归分析,得出沿线边坡坡高和坡角之间的关系式和极限破坏角公式。计算结果与实际相符。 This paper takes its main interest in the study of the critical angle deformation of reservoir bank highway rock slopes.As is known,a lot of methods and models are used for the time being to assess the stability of such deformation,for example,the limit equilibrium method and catastrophe theory.Statistically speaking,over 90% of the rock slope failure involves groundwater penetration or permeating,which implies that water is a key factor affecting the slope stability.However,it is rare for the researchers of rock slope to pay enough attention to studying the seepage pressure of sliding surface on the slope stability.Seeing the above said factors,the author of this paper is willing to turn the our direction to and take into full account such factors,as the continuous rainfall,flood discharge and so on,which may cause upraise of water level in the reservoir,in better assessing the stability of reservoir banks highway rock slope along with giving proper directions to water-conservation and highway-building engineering projects.In doing so,first of all,we have established a simplified model of sliding slope in condition of infiltration pressure,when gliding deformation of such rock slopes in case of water-saturated.And,then,the correlation equation can be derived among the height,the angle and the critical angle of the slope through analysis and deduction of the slope stress,since all of them are essentially definite.Once we work out the correlation expression,it would be possible to work out the critical angle formula of the rock slope.It is just in the above said way that we have finally derived the correlation equation between the height and the angle and the critical angle formula of the slope of An Kang-Sichuan Highway through calculation.Furthermore,the calculated result proves basically to be in conformity with the objectively existing conditions.Thus,it can be concluded that the slope stability turns out a factor which should be paid more attention to from the engineering point of view.And the next focus of our research seems to be the design parameters under different slope stability conditions.
作者 周志军
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期189-191,共3页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 陕西省交通厅科技项目(08-03T)
关键词 道路工程 库岸公路 岩石边坡 渗压效应 极限破坏角 road engineering reservoir banks highway rock slope infiltration pressure critical angle
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