
物联网中基于两层P2P结构的ONS模型 被引量:2

Object Naming Service Model Based on Two-layer P2P Structure in Internet of Things
摘要 海量数据处理中对象命名服务(ONS)系统易于出现负载不均、单点失效等安全问题。为此,根据本地ONS和根ONS 2个层次将ONS节点组成2个不同的P2P网络,提出两层P2P结构的ONS模型,并给出信息解析服务流程。仿真结果表明,与其他模型相比,该模型平均响应时间较短,负载均衡效果较好,在物联网规模大幅增加的情况下仍能及时处理相关数据。 Aiming at the problems that the uneven loads and the failure of single point happen to Object Naming Service(ONS) system when mass data in Internet of Things(IOT) need to be processed,ONS model based on two-layer P2P structure is proposed.ONS peer is organized into two different P2P networks according to two different ONS: local ONS and root ONS.The process of the information resolution in the model is described and the model is analyzed.Experimental results show that the amount of average response time is less compared with other models and the effect of load balance is better.Although the scale of IOT increases largely,the related data can be processed in time.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第12期79-81,85,共4页 Computer Engineering
关键词 物联网 结构化P2P 对象命名服务 单点故障 CHORD环 两层P2P Internet of Things(IOT) structured P2P Object Naming Service(ONS) single point failure Chord cycle two-layer P2P
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