目的 :研究小鼠尿路上皮癌模型的制作及卡介苗 (BCG)对其发生发展的影响。方法 :根据化学致癌的“启动——促进”理论 ,采用 N-丁基 - N- (4-羟丁基 )亚硝胺 (BBN)和糖精诱导雄性纯种近交系 SSB小鼠发生高度浸润性尿路上皮癌并制作成模型 ,在此模型基础上进行了 BCG对尿路上皮癌发生发展的影响的研究。结果 :尿路上皮癌总发生率为 2 4.1% ,其中肾盂癌和膀胱癌发生率分别为 11.1%和 12 .9% ,未发现输尿管癌。 88.9%的肾盂癌和 71.4%的膀胱癌为浸润性癌。结论 :BCG对尿路上皮癌的发生没有影响 ,但对其生长有促进作用。
Purpose:To study the effect of orally administered BCG on the development of mouse urothelial carcinoma caused by chemical carcinogen. Methods: 80 male induced SSB mice were given 0.05% BBN for 8 weeks and 1% saccharin for 12 weeks in drinking water. Then the animals were divided into two groups randomly. One group were given 2.0g/L BCG solution. The experiment was ended at 20th week and all animals were killed and studied pathologically. Results: The total incidence of the urothelium carcinoma was 24.1% and the incidence of the renal pelvis and urinary bladder carcinoma was 16.7% and 12.9 % respectively. 88.9% of the renal pelvis carcinomas and 71.4% of the urinary blad der carcinomas were invasive. Conclusions: The result indicated that BCG administered orally had no effect on urothelium carcinogenesis, but had a promotion on the growth of urotelium carcinoma.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Urothelial tumor Laboratory animal Bacille Calmette Guerin