
不同施灸距离对人体体表皮肤温度的影响——论施灸的安全距离 被引量:54

Impacts on the skin temperature by the different distances of moxibustion:discussion on the safe distance of moxibusiton
摘要 目的:观察不同施灸距离对人体施灸局部皮肤温度的影响,为临床提供安全的施灸距离参数。方法:健康成年志愿者3名,用无药清艾条在足三里(右)和关元分别施行艾条温和灸和温灸盒灸,施灸距离分别为2cm、3cm和4cm。每次以艾条3cm燃尽为度。用红外热像仪系统记录储存热像图并进行分析处理,同样的试验第2天重复1次,将每穴每次测得的皮肤温度的平均值作为结果进行分析。结果:①关元温灸盒灸:施灸距离为4cm时,局部皮肤温度超过44℃[(44.1±1.3)~(46.7±1.5)℃)]的时间为7min;施灸距离为3cm时,局部皮肤温度超过44℃[(44.1±1.3)~(49.3±2.0)℃]的时间约为10min,超过49℃[(49.0±2.1)~(49.3±2.0)℃]的时间为2min;施灸距离为2cm时,因局部灼痛而不能进行观察。②足三里穴温和灸:施灸距离为4cm时,皮肤温度在(40.0±2.0)~(44.9±2.3)℃之间;距离足三里穴3cm处施灸时,皮肤温度在1min内即可上升超过44℃,并持续稳定在(45.9±3.0)~(47.8±2.0)℃之间;施灸距离为2cm时,同样因局部灼痛而不能进行观察。结论:施灸时,艾条距离皮肤越近,皮肤温度越高。在施行温和灸和温灸盒灸时,以艾条距皮肤的距离为3~4cm为宜。 Objective To observe the impacts of the different distances of moxibustion on local skin temperature and provide a safy distance of moxibustion. Methods Three healthy aduIt volunteers were included. The pure moxa stick (without other herbs mixed together) was used. The moxa stick moxibustion and the mild moxibustion (with moxa box) were applied to Zusanli (ST 36) on the right side and Guanyuan (CV 45 respectively. The dislance from moxibustion to the local skin was 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm separately. The moxibustion time was limited by 3 cm stick burned out. The infrared thermography was adopted to record and store thermal images and made the systematic analysis. The same trial was repeated on the second day. The means of the skin temperature measured at each acupoint each time was taken as the results for the analysis. Results (i) Moxibustion with moxa box at Guanyuan (CV 4): at the distance of 4 cm, the local skin temperature at over 44℃[(44.1±1.35- (46.7±1.5)℃] lasted 7 min; at the distance of 3 cm, the local skin temperature at over 44℃(44.1+1.35-(49.3- 2.0)℃lasted about 10 min and that at over 49℃(49.0±2. 1)-(49.3±2.0)℃)] lasted 2 rain; at the distance of 2 cm, the observation could not be followed due to local burning pain. ②Moxa-stiek moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 365 at the distance of 4 cm. the skin temperature was ranged from (40.0±2.0)℃ to (44. 9±2.3)℃ ; at the distance of 3 cm, in 1 min of moxibustion, the skin temperature increased over 44 ℃, sustaining in the range from (15.9±3.0)℃ to (47.8±2.0)℃; at the distance of 2 cm, the observation could not be followed due to local burning pain. Conclusion In moxibustion, the closer the moxa stick to the skin is, the higher the local skin temperature is. No matter with stick moxihustion or hox moxihustion, the distance of moxa stick to the skin should be in the range from 3 to 4 cm.
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期611-614,共4页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
关键词 艾灸 皮肤温度 红外线热像图 施灸距离 Moxibustion Skin Temperature Infrared Thermography Distance of Moxibustion
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