目的 探讨精神科住院病人脑血管意外发生的原因。方法 作者对 45例在精神科住院发生脑血管意外患者与 45例综合医院精神科脑血管病患者及 90例未发生卒中的同期精神科住院病人 ,进行了比较研究。结果 精神科脑卒中多发生于情感疾病、神经症、器质性疾病 ,但精神分裂症较少。与神经科脑血管病比较 ,病前高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、高脂血症患病率较低 (P <0 0 5或 0 0 1)。与精神科未卒中发作住院病人比较 ,服用抗抑郁药、抗焦虑药、碳酸锂、合并用药及发生药源性低血压、锥体外副反应及心脏病较多 (P <0 0 5或 0 0 1)。结论 提示精神科住院病人发生脑卒中可能与精神疾病、用药及某些副反应有关。
Objective To explore the causes of cerebrovascular attack in psychiatric inpatients.Methods The study group was consisted of 45 psychiatric inpatients with cerebrovascular attack,and the two control groups were 45 patients from neurologic departments and 90 psychiatric inpatients without cerebrovascular attack.The patients in study group were compared with the two control groups.Results Compared with the psychiatric inpatients without cerebrovascular attack,the study group patients had a higher proportion of affective disorders,neurosis and organic diseases,but lower schizophrenia.When compared with patients from neurologic departments,it was found that the patients in study group had lower proportion of high blood pressure before attack,coronary heart diseases,diabetes and high blood cholesterin.Their attacks were also related to antidepression drugs,antianxiety drugs,carbonic lithium,combination of drugs,drug-induced low blood pressure and more extrapyramidal side-effects.Conclusion Cerebrovascular attack in psychiatric inpatients was related with some kinds of mental disorders,drugs and side-effects of antipsychotics.
Chinese General Practice