
皮肤癣菌感染和变态反应性疾病的相关性研究进展 被引量:2

Association between dermatophyte infections and allergic diseases
摘要 变态反应性疾病是常见病,病因复杂,皮肤癣菌是重要的致病真菌,也是常见的致敏原。近年陆续有个案报道,合并皮肤癣菌感染的变态反应性疾病抗真菌治疗有效。研究者发现,两者之间有密切联系,同时认为暴露于癣菌素抗原,可产生IgE抗体,在易感染个体中可引起过敏症状。概述皮肤癣菌致敏机制、皮肤癣菌抗原、合并皮肤癣菌病的变态反应性疾病治疗等方面以及两者相关性的研究,为部分变态反应性疾病病因学、发病机制及治疗方法提供新思路。 Allergic diseases are common conditions with complex etiological factors. Dermatophytes are important pathogenic fungi as well as common allergens. As several reports have indicated, oral antifungal therapy is effective for the management of allergic diseases. It has been demonstrated that there is a strong association between dermatophytosis and allergic diseases, and the exposure to dermatophyte antigens may induce the production of IgE antibody and result in allergic symptoms in predisposed individuals. This review mainly presents sensitizing mechanism of dermatophytes, dermatophyte antigens, and treatment of allergic diseases complicated by dermatophytosis with a focus on the association between dermatophytosis and allergic diseases, which may provide new ideas for researches into the etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of some allergic diseases.
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2012年第4期269-271,共3页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 表皮癣菌属 感染 变态反应和免疫学 Epidermophyton Infection Allergy and immunology
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