Bentonite ore is a rare ore in Guizhou Province, so the research work on it is very poor. Through analyses of samples, investigations of drilling-mud clay minerals, X-ray diffraction analyses, infrared spectral analyses and differential thermal analyses, etc.and after the testing and determining of the physicochemical properties and refering to the demand of mineral industry target, several Bentonite bodies have been circled in the rock strata once called 'mung bean rocks' by predecessors in Panxian County, Guizhou, and researches have been made of the physicochemical properties of the clay ores and the clay particle minerals smaller than two microns in the clay ores and of the properties of the ores and minerals. Bentonite ore in this area is deter-mined as calcium Bentonite and acidity calcium Bentonite whose mineral property belongs to calcium montmorillonite.
It is better for Bentonite ore not to be used as the raw material of drilling-mud, but it can be used as an oil decolourizer. Bentonite in this area has certain industry value and developing and utlizing prospects.
Guizhou Geology