1977~ 1996年间共收治小儿发热惊厥 (FC) 846例 ,占同期住院患儿 (16 2 13)的 5 2 2 %。男 5 41例 ,女 30 5例 ,男女之比为 1 77∶1。发病季节以 7~ 9mon为高 ,其次为 1~ 3mon。惊厥前后体温以 38℃~ 40℃为多。引起FC的常见疾病为呼吸系统疾病。首次发作的最小年龄为 40d ,最大年龄为 7岁 10个月。发作类型主要为全身强直 -阵挛发作 ,其次为强直发作。惊厥持续时间最短几秒钟 ,最长 2h以上。以在治疗中 ,供给葡萄糖 ,纠正酸中毒 ,降低颅内压 ,改善脑缺氧及保护脑细胞是不可忽视的措施。应使用苯巴比妥及其它综合措施防止惊厥复发 ,积极使用退热药和物理方法降温。
We have treated the 846 cases of febrile convulsion in children from 1976~1996,make up 5.22 per cent of corresponding period the inpatients.The male is 541 cases,and female is 305 cases,the ratio is 1.77∶1.The highest fall ill season was 7~9 month,the next was 1~3 months.Before and after convulsions the body temperature was 38℃~40℃.General disease was respiratory system's disease that caused the FC.The smallest age of first seisure is 40 days,and the largest age is 7 years and 10 months.The marjor seisure type is generaltonic clonic seizures,and second is tonic seizures.The shortest time of convulsion continued was a few seconds,and the longest time of convulsion continued was two hours.In treatment,suppling glucose,correcting acidosis,intracranial perssure,improving cerebral anoxia and protected the brain cell which was a significant measure.That should be used phenobarbitone and other's synthetical measures prevent recurrence of the convulsion.It should use antipyretic or physical measure to drop body temperature in time.
Journal of North Sichuan Medical College