
多级轴流压气机静子通道三维流场测量 被引量:4

Investigation of Three-Dimension Flow in a Multi-Stage Compressor Stator
摘要 为了实现多级压气机静子叶片通道内部的详细流场测量,设计加工了7根不同长度的"L"型五孔探针以及1根四孔探针。在压气机的设计工作状态,通过采用坐标位移机构带动五孔探针和四孔探针的方法,完成了四级低速大尺寸轴流压气机第3级静子叶片通道内部的7个不同轴向位置的截面上以及静子叶片出口截面上的三维流场测量,获得了静子叶片通道内部的详细流场细节。测量结果显示了通道涡和角涡的生成、发展过程以及两者之间的相互影响。实践表明,采用位移机构带动"L"型五孔探针或其它探针的方法可以应用于多级压气机静子叶片通道内部流场测量。 In order to realize the stator internal flow field measurement of the multistage compressor,seven "L" type five-hole probes with different lengths and a four-hole probe have been designed.The three-dimensional flow field of the third stage stator of a four stage large scale research compressor has been measured by the probes,which were driven by a displacement mechanism.Measurement results clearly show the generation and development process of the passage vortexes and the corner swirls,and the interactions between them.This practice shows that the method of the displacement mechanism driving the "L" type five-hole probe or other probe can be applied to multistage compressor stator internal flow field measurement.
出处 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期371-376,共6页 Journal of Propulsion Technology
关键词 压气机 流场测量 通道涡 角涡 五孔探针 四孔探针 Compressor Flow field measurement Passage vortex Corner swirls Five-hole probe Four-hole probe
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