
氟伏沙明对社交恐惧症患者情绪图片信息认知偏倚的影响 被引量:1

Effect of fluvoxamine treatment on cognitive bias to the emotional facial information in social phobia
摘要 目的探讨氟伏沙明对社交恐惧症患者情绪图片信息认知偏倚的影响。方法选择符合CCMD~3社交恐惧症诊断标准的26例患者作为实验组,与实验组性别、年龄匹配的26例健康人作为对照组。实验组予氟伏沙明治疗8周。两组分别在治疗前以及8周后予情绪图片刺激的点探测任务检测,比较治疗前以及8周后反应时以及注意偏向分差别。结果实验组8周后HAMA明显低于治疗前(P〈0.05)。重复测量ANOVA显示,探测位置主效应显著,异侧位置的反应时长于同侧位置(P〈0.05);情绪面孔图片类型与组间水平交互作用显著(P〈0.05);探测位置与组间水平交互作用显著(P〈0.05);情绪面孔图片类型与探测位置交互作用显著(P〈0.05);情绪面孔图片类型×探测位置×组间水平交互作用显著(P〈0.05),LSD比较显示实验组对恐惧面孔图片异侧位置的反应时长于同侧位置(P〈0.05)。实验组治疗8周后对恐惧面孔图片反应时以及注意偏向分明显低于治疗前(均P〈0.05)。结论社交恐惧症患者对恐惧面孔图片信息表现出认知偏倚,氟伏沙明具有改善认知偏倚的作用。 Objective To investigate the effect of fluvoxamine treatment on cognitive bias to the emotional facial information in patients with social phobia(SP). Methods 26 patients met CCMD-3 criteria for SP were enrolled as research group and marched sexual and age 26 healthy persons enrolled as control group. Patients were treated with fluvoxamine for 8weeks. All participants measured with Dot- probe task of Emotional facial information at base and after 8 weeks. RTs and attentional bias scores were compared respectively. Results After 8 weeks, HAMA scores in research group were lower than that of at base (P〈 0.05). A repeated measure ANOVA revealed a significant probe site main effect (P〈 0.05), RTs of antarafacial site were longer than that of homonymy site. It revealed a significant probe site and group interaction (P〈 0.05), a significant Emotional facial information type and probe site interaction (P〈 0.05), and a significant Emotional facial information type X probe site X group interaction (P〈 0.05). LSD test showed that RTs of antarafacial site to fear facial information in research group were longer than that of homonymy site (P〈 0.05). RTs and attention bias scores of antarafacial site to fear facial information after 8 weeks in research group were lower than that of at base(all P 〈0.05). Conclusions Patients with SP had the cognitive bias to the fear facial emotional stimulus, fluvoxamine treatment might improve the cognitive bias.
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2012年第3期251-253,256,共4页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
基金 江苏省卫生厅医学科研面上课题(H201043)
关键词 社交恐惧症 情绪面孔图片 点探测任务 认知偏倚 氟伏沙明 Social phobia Emotional facial information Dot-probe task Cognitive bias Fluvoxamine
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