The traditional TDOA(Time Difference of Arrival) location algorithms have large performance loss as the measurement noise is high. To overcome this drawback, this paper proposes a new effective TDOA location algo- rithm based on second order cone pmgramming(SOCP). By int_mducing a penalty term and relaxing the equality constrains, the nonlinear and nonconvex maximum likelihood estimation problem for user position is tmnsfomed into a convex optimization problem, named second order cone programming that can be efficiently solved by mod- em interior point methods. The optimal solution of relaxed problem is used as the initial guess for traditional Taylor method to estimate the user position. The simulation provides the location performance versus measurement noise under different numbers of base station. Simulation results show that the performance of proposed algorithm can attain the Cramer- Rao lower bound as the noise variance is high. The intervals of penalty factor are also dis- cussed in this paper.
Telecommunication Engineering