

Research on fast vehicle license plate recognition
摘要 提出了基于数学形态学和纹理特征的快速定位车牌的方法.该方法包含4个步骤:预处理,利用Sobel算子进行垂直边缘检测,通过形态学操作得到连通域,利用车牌的纹理特征和字符特征最终定位车牌.使用该方法对1 144幅图片进行实测,1 102幅图片定位成功,正确识别率为96.3%,处理时间为160~200ms. Based on mathematical morphology and texture features, a practical and fast method for vehicle license plate reeognition was presented. The method consisted of four steps: preprocessing, vertical edge detection using Sobel operator, morphological operation for obtaining connected components and plate recognition using texture features. In the experiment, 1 102 among 1 144 images were successfully located, corresponding to a recognition rate of 96.3%. The recognition time for one plate was 0. 16--0.20 ms.
作者 牟玉芬
机构地区 长春市第八中学
出处 《物理实验》 2012年第6期13-16,共4页 Physics Experimentation
关键词 SOBEL算子 数学形态学 结构元素 连通域 纹理特征 Sobel operator mathematical morphology structural element connected region texture {eature
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