

Temperature Model of the Hot Strip in CSP Finishing Rolling Zone
摘要 根据热轧带钢是否发生塑形变形,将CSP生产线精轧区划分为两类区域,并分别对这两类区域内影响带钢温度的因素进行了研究,从而建立了精轧区的带钢温度模型。运用Matlab的有约束非线性优化函数和origin的用户自定义回归选项等相关工具,分别优化得到了该温度模型的相关参数,从而确定了精轧区带钢温度模型。最后,利用所确定的模型对带钢的温度进行了预报,并与现场实测数据比较,结果表明,所确定的带钢温度模型具有较高的预报精度,适合CSP生产线的实际生产。 According to whether the hot strip happens to be deformed plastically or not, the CSP finishing zone was divided into two types of area. After considering the temperature influence factors of strip in the two types area respectively, the temperature model for hot strip in finishing zone was given, and the related parameters were also determined with the tools called nonlinear optimization with constrains of Matlab and user-defined regression option of origin. Using the given model, the temperature values in specific points for several pieces of strips were calculated. By comparing the calculated temperature values with the measured temperature values, the results show the model has high prediction precision and proved to be fit for the production.
出处 《钢铁研究学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期11-14,共4页 Journal of Iron and Steel Research
关键词 CSP 精轧 温度模型 优化 回归 CSP finishing rolling temperature model optimization regression
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