

The Process Study of CO_2 Laser Stitch Welding Stainless Steel Pressure Vessel
摘要 介绍了激光叠焊幅面为2.4m×1.2m,厚度为1.2mm的不锈钢板式热交换器的焊接要求和焊接工艺。板式热交换器属压力容器,因此焊接质量有严格的要求,针对大幅面不锈钢的尺寸大和易变形等特点,采取先点焊,再焊边框,最后焊内部小圆的工艺流程。点焊有效地控制了焊接过程中变形问题,并有效地消除了上下板材的间隙问题。内部圆采用了不闭合焊接的处理方法,显著地减少了气孔现象。对实际焊接后的板材进行耐压试验表明,采用新焊接工艺的成品件可以承受110MPa的压力。 This paper introduces the welding requirement and welding processes in the laser stitch welding format 2.4 m × 1.2 m stainless steel sheet in the thickness 1.2 ram. For easy welding deformation of large-size stainless steel sheet. The spot welding should be taken at first, then welding edges, and finally welding inner circles in order .to prevent deformation .The spot welding is available effectively to control the deformation,and to eliminate the gap between two plates. The inner circles are not closed to reduce efficently the pore, phenomenon.The actual sample test of the welded steel plates shows that can withstand 110 MPa
出处 《应用激光》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期198-201,共4页 Applied Laser
关键词 气孔现象 板材间隙 焊接强度 走刀路径 pore phenomenon gap between plates welding strength tool path
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