
市级地理信息共享服务构建研究 被引量:3

Research of Building Municipal Geographic Information Sharing Service
摘要 针对市级地理信息服务模式单一、数据更新滞后、功能需求复杂、用户数量大、网络环境复杂等特点,在国家"数字城市"框架下构建"市级一张图"地理信息共享服务体系。以共建共享、物理集中的原则进行设计,采用先进的开放GIS技术标准、地理空间信息服务聚合技术,建立市地理空间信息服务总线,设计多层次、多级别、二三维联动的地理空间信息服务模式。 Geographical information on municipal services have a single service pattern,data is updated,complex,the number of functional requirements of users and network environment more complex features such as the "digital city" the framework of the municipal building "a municipal map" sharing service to the geographical information system..In order to sharing,physical centralization design principles.Use of advanced technology and GIS and geographical information technology services for the polymerization,the geospatial information service bus,the design of multilevel and level,two or three dimensions of the space keenly promoted synergies geographical information service.
出处 《城市勘测》 2012年第3期39-41,46,共4页 Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
关键词 地理信息 服务 共享 GIS Geographic information service sharing GIS
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