
从急性腹泻儿童中检出的人博卡病毒2型的研究 被引量:2

Detection and Genotyping of Human Bocavirus 2 in Children with Acute Diarrhea
摘要 为了调查北京地区急性腹泻患儿中人博卡病毒2型(HBoV2)的流行情况并了解这一病毒的基因组特征,本研究收集2010年11月至2011年10月到首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院门诊就诊的急性腹泻患儿的粪便标本553例,采用荧光实时PCR进行HBoV2DNA的检测。选择2例病毒载量较高的阳性标本进行HBoV2各基因片段的扩增并测序。将所测到的序列进行拼接后得到完整的基因组序列并与GenBank中的相关序列进行比较分析。结果显示,553例粪便标本中共检出HBoV2阳性标本15例,阳性率为2.7%;各年龄组中,3~6月龄患儿中的HBoV2DNA阳性检出率最高(4.1%);所检年度中,7月份阳性检出率最高(7.0%);15例HBoV2检测阳性的患儿年龄均在2岁以下,其中4例患儿同时检出了诺如病毒,3例患儿同时检出了轮状病毒,1例检出了腺病毒。经测序得到两株接近完整的HBoV2基因组序列BJQ19和BJQ390;序列分析表明,这两株序列的同源性为99.2%,与GenBank中的FJ375129同源性最高,分别为99.1%和99.2%,为典型的HBoV2。上述结果表明,北京地区部分儿童的急性腹泻可能与HBoV2感染相关,且HBoV2感染在低年龄组儿童中更为常见。 To investigate the prevalence of HBoV2 in pediatric patients with acute diarrhea in Beijing and the characteristic of the genome of the virus, 553 stool specimens were collected from pediatric outpatients with acute diarrhea in Affiliated Children's Hospital of Capital Institute of Pediatrics during Nov. 2010 to Oct. 2011. TaqMan-based Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect HBoV2 DNA from these specimens. Two positive specimens with high viral loads were selected for segmented amplification and then the amplified fragments were cloned into the plasmid vector pGEM-T, transformed into Escherichia coli DHSa and sequenced. Then genomic sequences assembled from those DNA fragments were compared with other parvovirus genomic sequences in the GenBank. Among these 553 specimens tested, 15 (2.7 %) were HBoV2 DNA positive . The highest positive rate was shown in July (7.0%) through the whole year and in 3-6 month age group (4.1%) among different age groups. All these 15 specimens positive for HBoV2 DNA were collected from patients younger than 2 years old, including 4 simultaneously positive for norovirus, 3 positive for rotavirus and 1 positive for adenovirus. By sequence analysis, 2 almost complete HBoV2 genomic sequences assembled from gene fragments amplified from specimens BJQ19 and BJQ390 were typical HBoV2. And they shared high homology with each other (99.2%), while they shared the highest homology with FJ375129 from Shanghai China (99.1% and 99.2%) among other parvoviruses. These data suggest that some of acute diarrhea in pediatric patients in Beijing were associated with HBoV2, and infants and young children aged from 3 months to 2 years, are more likely to be infected by HBoV2.
出处 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期382-388,共7页 Chinese Journal of Virology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30872153) 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养计划(2011-3-068) 北京市自然科学基金(7112021)
关键词 人博卡病毒2型 急性腹泻 儿童 基因序列 Human bocavirus 2 Acute diarrhea Children Gene sequence
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