
黄沙散料流自由下落速度的实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study of Velocity Characteristics of Free Falling Stream of Bulk Sand
摘要 指出了对工业生产、散料运输等过程中所产生的微粒粉尘运动特性进行研究,是人工环境控制的重要课题之一。利用专门搭建的实验装置,在静止环境空气中对黄沙散料的自由下落过程进行实验研究,探讨了黄沙散料在不同参数条件下下降速度的变化规律。实验结果表明:微粒瞬时下降速度随着下降高度的增加而增大;微粒速度在下落前期增长较快,下降高度达到0.06m后曲线趋于平缓。随着初始下落口径的增大,微粒束的下降速度增大;随着微粒粒径的增大,微粒束的下降速度增大。 The study of the motion characteristics of particle dust generated in the process of industrial production and transportation systems of bulk materials is one of the important tasks in the artificial environment control. This paper reports the experimental study of free falling bulk sand in quite environment air on a special experimental facility. And also it investigates the variation regularity of the falling velocity of bulk sand which is influenced by changed parameters~ The experimental results indicate that, the instantaneous velocity of particle enhance with increase of fall height; the velocity of particle increase rapidly in the beginning, then the curve tends to gently change after 0.06 m high ; the velocity of particle stream enhance with increasing outlet of the hopper and also with increasing particle size.
出处 《绿色科技》 2012年第6期140-142,共3页 Journal of Green Science and Technology
关键词 散料流速 散料粒径 自由下落微粒流 velocity of bulk sand grain diameter of bulk sand free -falling particle stream
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