
VMI模式下随机产量供应链风险分担契约研究 被引量:10

Study on Risk Sharing Contracts for Supply Chain with Random Yield under VMI
摘要 探讨了一个批发商与一个产量随机的生产商合作实施VMI过程中的风险分担问题。以随机比例产出模型为基础,建立了五种不同风险分担契约下的二级供应链模型,通过解析方法给出了最优决策结果。研究发现:最优计划生产量总与需求量成线性比例关系,但比例系数受不同契约影响而各不相同;生产商和批发商对契约选择的偏好不同,因此最终选择结果取决于二者谈判能力的相对强弱;产量的随机性减弱在普遍情况下有利于提高供应链内各成员和总体的利润,但在某些情况下,随机性增强却能够促进批发商利润的提高。数值分析验证了结论的有效性。 The problem of risk sharing is discussed under the context that a distributer and a producer with random yield are cooperating to implement VMI. On the basis of stochastically proportional yield model, two - echelon supply chain models under five different risk sharing contracts are set up, and then optimal decisions are obtained by analytical method. It is indi- cated that producer's optimal planned yield is always linearly proportional to demand, while the ratio is distinctive in each contract. Distributor and producer have preference on different contracts, so the final decision is up to their bargaining pow- er. In general, reduced yield uncertainty benefits the supply chain members and overall profit. However, increased yield ran- domness can help improve the distributer' s profit under certain circumstances. Numerical analysis proves the validity of the conclusions.
作者 赵道致 吕昕
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期125-131,共7页 Soft Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70771073 70771071) 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目(201021127)
关键词 随机产量 VMI 风险分担 供应链契约 最优化 random yield VMI risk sharing supply chain contracts optimization
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