
丝蛋白涂层轻质聚丙烯网片对兔腹壁疝模型组织学反应的影响 被引量:3

Histologic Response of Silk Protein-coated and Noncoated Low-weight Polypropylene in an Abdominal Hernia Rabbit Model
摘要 目的:探讨宿主对有丝蛋白涂层和无丝蛋白涂层的2种不同轻质聚丙烯网片组织学反应的差别。方法:2种聚丙烯网片(Gynemesh网片和法国G819P网片)的有丝蛋白涂层和无丝蛋白涂层网片各6片,共计24片,裁剪为30 mm×30 mm大小。6只新西兰大白兔,每只均制作6个腹壁缺损,并分别植入有丝蛋白和无丝蛋白涂层Gy-nemesh誖网片和有丝蛋白和无丝蛋白涂层G819P网片各1片,另2个腹壁缺损作为空白对照。植入后30,60和90 d时各处死2只动物,取出包括网片在内的腹壁全层,做大体观察、组织学观察以及免疫组化研究,包括炎症、纤维化反应、网片周围血管化反应以及胶原形成等。结果:所有网片均未发生侵蚀。有丝蛋白涂层网片组炎症反应和纤维化反应较轻,网片与组织融合良好。无涂层组可见少量的凋亡和坏死。结论:有丝蛋白涂层聚丙烯网片引起实验动物的组织学反应较轻,可以降低早期炎症反应和纤维化程度,减少组织粘连,降低网片相关并发症的产生。 Objective:The purpose of this study was to determine whether the host tissue response in the abdominal hernia rabbit model differs in 2 polypropylene meshes(coated and noncoated).Methods:24 piece of two different kind polypropylene meshes Gynemesh and AspideG819P mesh(coated and noncoated,6 for each Group) 30 mm×30 mm size for each were surgically implanted in six abdominal hernia rabbit model which had six abdominal wall defects for each.Four abdominal wall defects for Coated/noncoated Gynemesh and G819P mesh,two left as the control.Animas were killed 30(n=2),60(n=2)and 90(n=2) days after surgery.Full-thickness sections of abdominal wall were evaluated included macroscopical examination,histological and immunohistochemical analysis,for example,inflammation,neovascularization,fibroblastic proliferation and collagen formation.Results:Erosion of meshes did not occur in all animals.silk protein-coated low-weight polypropylene meshes induced a mild inflammatory response with minimal fibrosis and good host tissue incorporation within the grafts.Few apoptotic and necrotizing cell were found in noncoated meshes.Conclusions:Coated meshes elicit a mild foreign body reaction,minimal fibrotic response and good host tissue incorporation within the grafts,reducing the inflammatory reaction,fibrosis,tissue adhesion and the generation of mesh-related complication.
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期281-283,I0001,共4页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 上海市卫生局科研基金资助项目(2006057) 上海交通大学"医工(理)交叉研究基金"项目(YG2010MS47)
关键词 骨盆底 脱垂 腹壁 丝素蛋白质类 聚丙烯 材料试验 生物相容性材料 Pelvic floor Prolapse Abdominal wall Fibroins Polypropylenes Materials testing Biocompatible materials Rabbits
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