转型时期俄罗斯科技形势发生了重大变化。科研体制从封闭式、大而全向开放式、高效率发展 ,科技立法逐步趋于完善 ,开发研究和应用研究初露倪端 ,加强了技术贸易 ,科研队伍也逐步稳定。纵观中俄两国在经济增长、结构调整方向上的异同 ,可以看到 ,两国除资源结构互补性、一般商品贸易互补性之外 ,科学技术结构也具有很强的互补性 ,进一步开拓这一方面的潜力 ,是摆在两国政府和工商界面前的极为重要的任务。
Dramatic changes have taken place in science and technology in transitional Russia. Its traditional big, all inclusive and closed science and technology system is now being transformed into an open and efficient one. In the meanwhile, its legislation on science and technology is being perfected gradually, and its development and applied research is taking shape, along with which its trade in technology has also increased and its scientific research teams are becoming stable. Looking at the similarities and differences between China and Russia in terms of their directions, economic growth and structural adjustment, it is not difficult to find that the two countries complement each other in resource structure. In addition to their complementary trade in general commodities, the two countries complement each other in their scientific and technological structure. It has become a very important task for both of the governments, industrial and commercial circles to further develop their potential in this respect.
Northeast Asia Forum