
移动Ad Hoc网络多径路由协议研究 被引量:1

Research on the Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 移动Ad Hoc网是一种分布式无线网络,路由协议是移动Ad Hoc网络当前研究的热点之一.该文列举了几种常见的路由协议,分析了AOMDV多径路由协议的不足,采用链路检测机制,对AOMDV协议进行了改进,提出了预警式路由协议(E-AOMDV),并通过NS2模拟软件对两种路由协议进行了模拟,通过分析得出,E-AOMDV协议在端到端延迟等性能方面略优于AOMDV协议. Mobile Ad Hoc network is a distributed wireless network. Routing protocol is one of the hottest research areas. This paper lists some common router protocols, and analyzes the insufficient of AOMDV mul- tipath routing protocol. This study uses link detection mechanism to improve AOMDV protocol. Besides that this research also studies Early-Warning Ad Hoc Ondemand Multipath Distance Vector (E-AOMDV) protocol, and uses NS2 stimulation application to compare the key performance of those two routing protocols. The result shows that E-AOMDV protocol has better performance in the delay of end-to-end and other aspects than AOMDV protocol.
作者 刘青 李云松
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2012年第3期78-83,99,共7页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
基金 安徽高校省级自然科学研究项目(KJ2012Z299)
关键词 Ad HOC网络 预警路由 多径路由 E—AOMDV NS2 Ad Hoc network warning routing multi-path E-AOMDV NS2
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