
干涉测量技术在桥梁动态监测方面的应用 被引量:2

On application of intererrometry technology in bridge dynamic supervision
摘要 介绍了IBIS动态监测系统的特点,运用干涉测量技术对金江金沙江大桥和赣州市赣江公路大桥的动态挠度进行了监测,指出该技术能够测量清晰、真实的桥梁动态挠度时程曲线,并具有精度高、测量范围大、非接触式面状扫描等优点。 The study introduces the features of the IBIS dynamic supervision system, undertakes the supervision over the dynamic conditions of Jinshajiang Bridge at Jinjiang and Ganjiang Road Bridge by adopting the intererrometry technology, and points out the technology has the clear and real bridge dynamic condition time-history curve, and it has the high accuracy, large measurement scopes and non-contact planar scanning.
出处 《山西建筑》 2012年第20期213-214,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
基金 江西省交通厅科技项目(项目编号:2011H0018)
关键词 IBIS 雷达 桥梁 监测 IBIS, radar, bridge, supervision
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