
Rh-bFGF用于临床治疗脊髓半离断继发脑病变的实验性研究 被引量:2

Experimental study of bFGF effect on secondary brain injury after spinal cord semi broken
摘要 目的 :探讨bFGF是否对脊髓损伤后的大脑皮质运动神经元具有保护作用。方法 :用Nissl染色和GFAP免疫染色对脊髓半离断后的大脑皮质运动区神经元和胶质细胞进行了定量和定性研究。结果 :1 Nissl染色显示 :( 1)在对照组大鼠额皮质内神经元和神经胶质细胞未见异常 ;( 2 )在损伤组大鼠额皮质内见到大量神经元变性和胶质细胞增生明显以及胶质细胞嗜神经元现象 ;( 3 )在治疗组大鼠额皮质区内未见嗜神经元现象 ,但胶质细胞增生仍较明显。 2 GFAP免疫染色显示 :( 1)在对照组大鼠额皮质内见GFAP免疫阳性的星形胶质细胞主要分布 1、2层和胼胝体内 ;( 2 )在损伤组大鼠额皮质和胼胝体内见到大量增生的星形胶质细胞 ;( 3 )在治疗组大鼠额皮质和胼胝体内星形胶质细胞的形态和分布与对损伤组的一致。 3 GFAP免疫阳性细胞的统计显示 ,三组大鼠额皮质和胼胝体内GFAP免疫阳性细胞数为损伤组 >治疗组 >对照组的趋势 ,但损伤组与治疗组的数量差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :据上述结果 ,作者认为在脊髓半离断后外源性bFGF在功能上代替了部分损伤后引致大脑皮质内增生的星形胶质细胞分泌的内源bFGF ,两者共同对大脑皮质运动神经元产生保护性作用 ,即外源性bFGF对脊髓损伤的继发性脑病变有治疗作用。 Objective: To study the bFGF effect on secondary brain injury after spinal cord semi broken. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative study was made on neuron and gliacyte of motor region on pallium by Nissl and GFAP immunochemical staining after half spinal cord broken. Results: Neuron degeneration, gliacyte proliferation and neuron phagocytized by gliacyte in injury group were found on Nissl staining slide. The neuron phagocytized by gliacyte was not found in treatment group, but gliacyte proliferation was obvious. Astrocyte proliferation mainly distributed in frontal cortex and copus cllosum in injury group. There was no significantly difference between the number of GFAP staining positive cell in injury group and those in treatment group ( P >0.05). Conclusion: Exogenic bFGF may have protective function on brain neurons after spinal cord semi broken.
出处 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期164-166,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
关键词 运动神经元 脊髓损伤 脑保护 RH-BFGF Rh bFGF Motor neuron Protection
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