Although a wealth of detailed paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic records has been successfully retrieved from the hinterland of the CLP,few high-resolution data are available from its marginal areas,where have experienced much stronger/weaker(contrasting) East Asian winter/summer monsoon strengths compared to the hinterland of the CLP. The loess-paleosol sequences in these marginal areas with contrasting( significantly different/highly varying)degrees of environmentally controlled pedogenesis and sedimentation rates provide ideal sites for assessing fidelity of polarity reversals and discerning the exact reason for the discrepant stratigraphic occurrence of polarity boundaries cross the CLP. We have therefore carried out a high-resolution paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study coupled with grain size and geochemical analyses cross the interval of S6 - L9 of the Fanshan loess section in the Beijing region. The Fanshan loess profile (40°11 '39"N, 115°23 '5 I"E) , located in Fanshan town in the Yanqing-Huailai-Zhuolu Basin, northeast margin of the CLP,about 90km northwest of Beijing. Although the NE extremity of the CLP has been less influenced by the East Asia winter and summer monsoons, loess-paleosol sequences were well retained in this section. The thickness of the interval of S6 - L9 of the Fanshan section is - 19m. After removing weathered surface sediments,paleomagnetic blocks(8×8×10cm3) covering S6 -L9 were collected and were marked the North Pole direction at the top of blocks. We collected oriented blocks at 20cm intervals for S6-1. To get the whole Matuyama/Brunhes boundary (M/B), 76 oriented blocks from the bottom of L6-1 to the bottom of Ss were continuously collected. From the bottom of Ss to the top of S9 ,89 oriented blocks were collected at 10cm intervals. In the laboratory, all blocks were cut into 2×2×2cm3 cubic specimens, and two sets of parallel specimens ( sets A and B)were retrieved. Set A specimens were used for thermal demagnetization, and set B were used for determinations of rock magnetic parameters, grain size and geochemical analyses. The thickness between S6 and L9 in Fanshan is generally comparable to that of Luochuan. However, magnetic susceptibility peak values for certain paleosol layers in Fanshan are evidently smaller than that in Luochuan, indicating that the NE CLP has experienced weaker summer monsoon intensities compared to the hinterland of the CLP. Surprisingly,we failed to constrain the exact position of the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary(M/B) either in Ls or Ss ,but an abrupt reverse-normal polarity reversal was recorded at the top of L9. Preliminary relative paleointensity analysis suggests a paleointensity minimum at the lower part of Ls,which may represent the 'true' position of the M/B. L9 carries three stable normal polarity intervals,which we propose represent extensive remagnetization rather than short-term geomagnetic excursions. An exceptionally high NRM interval(O. 8m thick)at the lower part of L9 may reflect a transient strong magnetic field record (e. g., lightning). In summary, missing M/B and/or significant downward displacement of the M/B together with extensive remagnetization of L9 at Fanshan strongly imply complicated remanence acquisition and retain process(es) of Chinese loess.
Quaternary Sciences
Fanshan loess, Matuyama/Brunhes boundary, L9 , remagnetization