
围产外科进展 被引量:3

The Up-to-data of perinatal surgery
摘要 围产外科涵盖胎儿外科、产时(Exit)外科和产房外科,涉及新生儿外科、产科、新生儿内科等诸多学科,并与围产医学、遗传基因学、人体发生学、麻醉科学、心动超声学、影像医学、护理学、生物伦理学等众多学科发生交叉和合作。正确的产前检查和诊断,准确的术前评估和适应证的选择十分重要,多学科之间的密切协作和支持必不可少。我国围产外科刚刚起步,面临着发展机遇和诸多挑战。 The perinatal surgery involves fetal surgery, Exit and delivery room surgery. This is a multiple co-operated medical science of neonatal surgery, obstetrics and NICU with relation to perimedicine, genetics, human embryology, anesthesiology, ultrasonic heartbeat science, medical imaging, nursing as well as bioethics. It should be emphasized the accurated pre-natal examinations and diag- nosis which are essential to appropriate preoperative evaluation and suitable indications selected for the surgery. The effective team-work among the concerned departments is crucial. We are at beginning stage of perinatal surgery and facing both opportunity and challenge in future.
作者 王维林
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2012年第4期8-10,共3页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 围产外科 胎儿 分娩 Perinatal surgery Fetal Delivery
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