目的 评估功能性眼球移位的手术效果。方法 采用自体肋骨作移植材料 ,修补眶壁缺损及作眶内充填 ,观察 16例功能性眼球移位的疗效 ,其中单纯肋骨充填术 12例 ,在肋骨充填同时行颧骨复位术 4例。结果 所有患者均获得不同程度的改善 ,随访 6~ 2 4月 (平均 14月 ) ,情况基本稳定 ,术后并发症少。结论 功能性眼球内陷的治疗效果令人鼓舞。
Objective To reviews the clinical effect of functional globe malposition (FGM) repaired.Methods 16 FGM cases of orbital fracture were repaired by autogenous bone grafts, 12 cases repaired by autogenous bone grafts only and 4 cases by both autogenous bone grafts and reducing the malposition of mar. Results The clinical effect in all was improved obviously. Following up from 6 to 24 months (average 14 months), the result is stable; postoperative complications were rare.Conclusion Correction of FGM was encouraged.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries